At the end of the road for heatset offset?

My career in print started almost 30 years ago at MAN Roland, the largest web offset manufacturer at that time. In 2001 I left the company to focus on digital print, also expecting that the market for ever-faster conventional presses would eventually dry up. MAN Roland eventually had to declare bankruptcy and was split into two companies. The web press portion later merged with Goss, one of its largest competitors. Still, sales declined and it seems that we are now at the end of the road for heatset offset.

At the recent Intergraf “Print Matters for the Future“ conference, I listened to a remarkable presentation on high volume flyer/door drop printing. On the background of major advertisers pulling out of printed door-drops and impeding governmental regulations that could essentially stop door drops the presentation was already quite interesting. The good news is that proposed regulations are still being reviewed and most retailers still stick with door drops (more on the preference of consumers for door drops here).

Print – not a small industry

Frequently, even within the printing industry, I hear that print is a small industry. That is certainly true when looking at the single print shop or even at a range of commercial printers. Adding up the pieces there is no doubt however, that print is a not a small industry.

The printing industry, as it is defined by the official statistics, has about 631,000 employees in the EU including the UK according to Eurostat for 2018. This includes prepress and finishing. It does not include big parts of packaging print, in-house print, copy shops and print in marketing and direct mail agencies.

employees print industry
EU print industry sizing

Inkjet Insight: Inkjet Innovation Week

This week is Innovation Week at Inkjet Insight.

From the 14th of June to the 18th Inkjet Insight is hosting the 2021 virtual Inkjet Innovation Week to educate the industry on the latest inkjet technology coming to market across document, labels, packaging and industrial segments. Technology coverage includes presses, press components, software and finishing. Anchoring the event are a series of 60 minute, expert-led webinars during the week of June 14th. An additional 30 minutes has been reserved for Q&A and questions may also be sent to experts in advance.

The 5 days do focus on the following segments:

  • Web-fed document production
  • Sheet-fed document production
  • Packaging & labels
  • Industrial and bespoke systems
  • Inkjet workflow and efficiency (software and hardware)

Inkjet insight - innovation week 2021

Together with Amy Machado from IDC and Elizabeth Gooding I will present on the second day on sheet-fed inkjet. We will cover market data, the latest launches, technology progress, where sheet-fed inkjet makes sense and what might come next.

Register here (for all 5) and join us.

If you missed the Inkjet Insight innovation week 2021, you can also get the presentations for download. Additionally you can contact me for further questions.

Virtual drupa – day three

22nd of April is Earth Day – and it is virtual drupa day three 2021. Still there were 57 vendor or conference presentations to choose from. Again, I listened in into about a dozen, with a few more briefly looked at.

As Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection it is no surprise that one of the drupa main conference topics today was sustainability – or in the words of drupa “circular economy”. The other theme of the “connected consumer” was less visible – I guess since all attendees were connected this counts as well.