Putting (some) Excitement into virtual events

Yes, we know drupa 2020 has been moved and Covid restrictions mean that there will be no trade shows for 2020 at least. Still vendors want to launch new products and since even open houses are out of question for now the last resort is virtual events. There have been a few in the last couple of months.

There are pundits that extol the virtue of virtual, but I find them somewhat unsatisfying – and I know that I am not alone. There are big differences in the quality of the virtual events as well, in terms of content, presentation and getting the attendants enthusiastic. But the main point is that marketing anything around print, which distinguishes itself as something multi-sensory and tactile, only virtually is a bit dicey.

Xerox and HP – Comparing Technologies & Synergies

A lot has been talked about Xerox’ intent to buy HP and the stock value created. But I have not seen reports comparing the technologies and device line-up and whether there are synergies to be found. However, this is the area that interests users and employees most. Let’s have a quick comparison by the main segments (and I know this could be 30 page report even without considering the PC business, but let’s keep it simple here) on where both companies stand.