
Have you ever wondered about what comes next? I do like to ask questions and to learn. We do not necessarily find the answers easily, sometimes we have to dig. Sometimes we have to go with the best estimate. Sometimes there are no answers. But it is always worth to ask.


Ralf Schlözer is a technology analyst with 30 years’ experience in the printing industry. His focus is digital production printing hardware. He is not affiliated to any manufacturer or equipment vendor. This is the place to ask him questions or find his blogs. He is a regular contributor to Inkjet Insight and more content can be found here.

Digital printing is a technology, but with profound implications on how print is produced, perceived and utilized. Contact Ralf Schlözer if you want to know more on:

  • Technology insight
  • Product positioning and opportunities
  • Print industry sizing
  • Print application trends
  • Digital press feature requirements